PENANCE OVER PROFIT: Michael Sam and Denzel Washington: the Gay NFL and Black Equalizer.

Gays are 2.6% of the population, including Lesbians. Not much to hang a sports league on. But the motivation is essentially religious. Owners care more about being seen as one of the chosen, the Saved, the special, the “good White” who gloriously saves the downtrodden non-White, or Gay, or Muslim, or what have you, and thus performs the sado-masochistic (credit the tweeter Roissy/Heartiste retweeted) rituals of recycling, yoga, tofu, vegetarianism, jogging, etc. along with “racial cuckoldry” that makes up the religion of Racial Penance and Redemption. . . .

In a similar fashion, audiences seem to have rejected in test screenings the Denzel Washington remake of the Equalizer. . . .

The problem with Hollywood is that they are filled with religious dogma as much as the NFL owners. They believe that violence and action is only justified, if it is done by the religiously correct (i.e. Black) person and that the whole point of the Equalizer is a Black guy killing various (White) villains, while timing himself with a stop-watch. . . .

Note the sub themes. Criminals are always White, Black guys don’t hold up Home Depot stores, White guys do. White women can only be protected by macho Black bald guys. Black guys are ultimate fighting machines … but for good!

This is pretty much religious dogma of the Religion of Racial Penance and Redemption. Post Christianity taken to its logical limits.