CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: France: Algerians gone wild – again.
“This demonstrates the total failure of the immigration policy in our country,” complained Marine Le Pen. “It’s the refusal, expressed by a certain number of bi-nationals, of assimilation, that I especially believe in. It’s clearly the wish on the part of a rather large number of people to exhibit their preference for Algeria over France. The State must reclaim its authority. There is no country in the world that would agree to endure what we are enduring on our territory.”
When asked if ramadan would calm things down, she reacted strongly: “Must we wait for attacks during Algerian soccer matches, and hope, as if we were doing a rain dance, that ramadan will solve the growing problem of recurring acts of violence? No, it’s up to the State to solve the problem. We must end dual nationality, we must end immigration. We must end the automatic French nationality granted to those born on French territory.”