TIME TO UPDATE THE CRIMETHINK DATABASE: What If Gay-Rights Advocates’ ‘Born This Way’ Argument Is Wrong? Perhaps a lot of conservatives out there are celebrating — “Aha, vindicated at last by science! Take that, liberals!” But that misses the point. This was never about science, and it never will be. The old trope of “born this way” was once useful for attaining the goals of the “gay rights” movement, but now is obsolete in the new “trans” movement. The shift from World War G to World War T requires new munitions.

Part of the problem, she argues, is that the nuance and fluidity of human sexual experience makes it hard to effectively categorize and analyze. . . .

Walters acknowledged the challenge she faces given how deeply ingrained in the LGBT discussion the “born this way” line is. “It has become — not just for gays but for liberal allies — the position you’re supposed to take,” she said, and arguing otherwise is often seen as akin to arguing against gay rights altogether. That’s why Walters said her book specifically targets straight allies: She hopes to convince them, “You don’t need to rely on flimsy science, on notions of compulsion, on notions of immutability, in order to make a strong case for civil rights.”

Before, you were a bigot to think that people had a choice. Now you’re a bigot for thinking that they don’t. All that’s left to do is to rewrite the case for “gay rights” in accordance with the new paradigm. We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.