NEWS YOU CAN USE: “Heart Healthy” Foods That Aren’t.
3. Low-Fat Dairy Products, Which Happen to be Loaded With Sugar
Dairy products tend to be high in saturated fat.
Therefore, it is often recommended that we consume low-fat dairy instead.
But there is a problem with this recommendation, because saturated fat doesn’t actually increase your risk of heart disease (8, 9).
Studies that look at dairy fat specifically show that people who eat the most high-fat dairy are less likely to be obese and don’t have an increased risk of heart disease or diabetes (10). . . .
Also, let’s not forget that low-fat dairy products (especially low-fat yogurt) are usually loaded with sugar… they often have more sugar than candy!
Many studies show that added sugar has severe harmful effects on metabolism and increases some major risk factors for heart disease, including triglycerides, abdominal obesity and small, dense LDL cholesterol (13, 14).