IMRAN FIRASAT: Spain submits to Islamic rule.

I live in a modern society where everyone is free to express what he feels and thinks. In this Christian country I have seen Jesus Christ portrayed as gay and roasted in an oven. His mother Mary has been shown as a prostitute. The Bible has been torn to pieces in public. But that is all considered legal under the freedom of expression.

But when I made a film portraying Muhammed as the man I think he was, I was prosecuted for hate crime, declared a threat to national security, had my asylum status revoked and threatened with expulsion. Why? . . .

Is criticizing Islam really a matter of national security? No, it is not. The politicians refer to national security in order to manipulate the nation. Terrorism is a threat to national security, speaking against terrorism cannot be. How can I be a threat to national security when there has been no attack on Spain due to my films for the past two years? How can I be a threat to national security when I was acquitted of hate crime against Muslims by the Spanish judiciary?

Background: Spain to Deport Christian Refugee over Mohammed Film.