FEMINIST FABLES: How do they survive?

The big question is how and why such obviously false and contrived feminist fables survive in the marketplace of ideas? I think the ironic answer is good old fashioned sexism. Feminists have successfully harnessed our sexist tendencies to protect women, both physically and intellectually. Therefore, public discourse fails to hold women to the same intellectual standards we expect of men, so we get endless nonsense about the wage gap, domestic violence, the campus rape culture, etc.

What is the concept of rape culture but a damsel’s cry of distress to which men come running? Intellectually, the idea is bankrupt, but the story moves many, many people, and particularly men. In the presence of such a damsel, men magically become “white knights” to save her. Therefore, for decades now we’ve had overwhelmingly male legislatures passing the most questionable laws to save those damsels. Let feminists cry “harassment!” “domestic violence!” and lawmakers from far and wide come running, eager to pass more laws, provide more funding.