FOR THE LADIES: How Women Can Avoid Hitting The Wall.

Often what turns men off to older women isn’t just their body, but the bitterness causing all the lines in her face. It’s the time and stress that has eroded her femininity. The body is the physical representation of the mind. If you change who you are, you can become younger.

The women I know who’ve avoided hitting the wall have positive thoughts. They don’t complain about men. When you talk with them about the challenges men face, they are generally sympathetic and supportive. They see men as people who need love, rather than oppressive representatives of “the patriarchy.”

The woman I know who is hitting the wall is doing the opposite. As she gets older she complains more about men, and their unwillingness to settle down. She’s more interested in “women’s issues” and narratives that cast her as the victim. And she’s taken a odd interest in artisinal cupcakes (seriously), which isn’t helping her weight.