MARK PERRY: The selective concern about gender [sic] imbalances and the selective application of the goal of perfect gender [sic] parity.

Here are some examples of gender [sic] imbalances favoring men, but in these cases I’m pretty sure we won’t be hearing any concerns from gender [sic] activists about the female under-representation in cases like this (or any concerns about the male over-representation!):

1. Of the inmates currently serving time in America’s federal prisons, 93.4% are male and only 6.6% are female, for a male-female ratio of 14.2-to-1.

2. In 2012, 4,667 people were killed in motorcycle accidents and 4,246 of those fatalities and 91% were men, for a male-female ratio of 10.1-to-1.

3. Of the 4,383 US workers killed on the job in 2012, more than 92% were men (4,045), for a male-female ratio of 12-to-1.