NOT OVER YET: Indiana Legislature Ends Common Core, Contemplates New Standards.

While the move to exit Common Core was an important one, there is an ongoing debate in the state about what will replace the national standards and whether what is being proposed is Common Core-lite. As Heritage’s Alicia Cohn reported for The Foundry: “Common Core opponents suspect a bias toward it already was embedded in the review process. With Iowa, Florida, and Arizona renaming their own state standards to avoid the tainted Common Core branding, critics have reason to suspect Indiana might end up doing the same thing.”

Indiana’s bill also adds a requirement that the new state standards should prepare students adequately for the ACT and SAT college entrance examinations. But with news this week that the SAT is being revamped in part to reflect Common Core, real questions have been raised about the impact this will have on states like Indiana that are working to reclaim their standards-setting autonomy.