AMONG PUBLISHED CLIMATE SCIENTISTS, 1.6%, Not 97%, Agree that Humans are the Main Cause of Global Warming.

Mark Bahner, a commenter on my previous post on global warming and on David Friedman’s post, has sifted through the data behind John Cook’s statement that 97% of climate scientists who stated a position believe that humans are the main cause of global warming. Recall that Bedford and Cook lumped together those who believe that humans are the main cause with those who believe that humans are a cause. . . .

Fortunately, Mark Bahner, an enterprising commenter on both David Friedman’s and my posts, managed to find their data and went through and did his own calculation. He reported his results in a comment on my previous post . . .

According to Bahner (and I have not gone through and checked the raw data for myself), of the 11,944 abstracts that Cook et al examined, only 64 claimed explicitly that humans are the main cause of global warming.