POOR ME: Woman complains that the suicide of a man she blackmailed has “ruined my life.”

Angie Wilson cries herself to sleep wishing she had not blackmailed a man before he killed himself. She has been called a murderer, lost friends, received threats and also contemplated taking her own life. “It’s ruined my life,” she told The Press yesterday. “Everyone’s going to hate me. I’m never going to be able to get a job again without being judged.” . . .

“It was just a wee mistake that’s turned into something massive and it’s changed my life forever.” . . .

During a four day-period, she sent text messages threatening to expose their relationship. She texted: “I’m only 17. It will look bad.” She demanded $3000. The man told his partner and then killed himself the next day. Later, one more text arrived from Wilson: “Make sure there’s 4K in there tomorrow or I’ll tell everyone you are a dirty old man.”