INADVERTENT ENDORSEMENT: New York Times Slashes Pro-Life Movie: ‘Its Ideological Ferocity Is Almost Comical’.

For snobby liberal film critics, few match A.O. Scott of The New York Times. I remember giggling at this puff on PBS for a George Clooney message movie: “I liked ‘Syriana.’ I thought it was very hard to follow in a way that I found very engaging and bracing. I felt like the arguments it was making and the connections it was making were very interesting.”

So it’s no shock that Scott would slam the new pro-life movie “Gimme Shelter” on Friday as “a crude, earnest parable that uses some of the techniques of indie filmmaking to deliver a culturally conservative message.” Then he slammed it as ideologically ferocious.

Usually, the vitriol is directly proportional to the perceived threat. It looks like it might be a good movie, then.