WE CAN ONLY HOPE: White Feminism Nearing Endpoint.

This inclusion of women-owned firms under affirmative action has been a great boon to a number of white men who happen to have good wives. Just keep the company in your wife’s name, and it qualifies as a “disadvantaged” business. Affirmative action for white women has not done much for singlemoms, but it’s made a lot of rich white folks’ lives easier (their daughters could take advantage of affirmative action), and it has raised some others into the middle class or above. Those who can keep their marriages together despite having working wives have probably fared best. Overall, due to the negative effects on family formation, it’s probably a wash, but possibly somewhat better for whites than if they were entirely denied affirmative action. . . .

Today, white women are outnumbered by nonwhites in the Democrat coalition, and the numbers count. I’ve predicted for years now that ethnic concerns would eventually trump sexual politics, but I think a lot of people will be surprised by how quickly white women abandon feminism when it no longer provides them with any material benefits. This hasn’t quite come to pass yet, but the writing is on the wall.