NO RESPECT for the accused.

The New York Daily News reports that the boyfriend of Bethenny Frankel, Michael Cerussi III, was accused of rape as a student at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., but the alleged victim never filed a police report and no charges were ever filed outside of the victim’s complaint to the school. Union College expelled him in 2000, and Cerussi sued the school and the alleged victim. The case settled and was voluntarily dismissed. . . .

The Daily News resurrected this long dead non-story for no reason other than as gossip column entertainment. It has no concern about the needless scar it has inflicted on Mr. Cerussi’s reputation. But — just wait — the Daily News said it “is withholding the name of the alleged victim out of respect for her privacy.”

Presumably any concern expressed for Mr. Cerussi’s privacy will be met with charges that we are “rape apologists.”