MISREPORTING Even Human Interest Stories.

Every single report states that it is a simple tonsillectomy. That is not the whole truth. The media knows this, but fails to report it and continues the charade. The court documents state it was far more involved. This is not a simple tonsils out and ice cream later procedure but a uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UP3). . . .

A simple question no media member is asking is why a thirteen year old is getting a UP3. A UP3 is a surgery to help people suffering from sleep apnea. They never say she suffered from sleep apnea, because to mention it would distort the narrative. How is a thirteen year old already suffering from sleep apnea? Google Image search results show Jahi McMath as obese. . . . It is a testament to how fantastic our medical technology has become that people would rather go under the knife for things they could correct with weight loss. Surgeons have become a social safety net for poor eating decisions. People do not think twice and just sign the release forms. This is a conversation the media could start using this teenager as an everyday example.

The greater conversation is obesity and the culpability of the obese themselves. There are money quotes from the mother of McMath about her child being perfectly fine before going to that hospital, but no one bothers to mention her daughter being obese and to the point of needing surgery to prevent her from dying in her sleep. Obese is not fine.