ROBERT OSCAR LOPEZ: It’s time to admit it, my gay brothers: Our culture is sick.

It is literally plagued with disease — not only HIV (which is rising again), but also syphilis (which has made a comeback). And Michelangelo Signorile, the dowager prince of gay news at the Huffington Post, admitted at long last what gay watchdog groups had been denying for decades upon decades: the chronic, timeless state of the homosexual man is to chase after pubescent boys. . . .

I used to avoid assessing the motives of others at all costs. But I can’t help supposing that the myth of people being born gay served a very useful purpose of justifying “intergenerational” sex as some sort of “teachable moment” rather than what it is: selfish, sleazy, old gay men sodomizing boys.

Do I speak as an outsider? Am I a homophobe? Nope — sorry, GLAAD. I know what the heck I’m talking about, and I suspect you know I know. I was first sodomized at the age of thirteen, and between the ages of thirteen and my twentieth birthday, I would estimate that I was used by at least thirty older men, ranging in age from sixteen to sixty-five. . . .

It would take me another eight years until finally, loosened up with wine, I made love to a female and realized that I’d been wrong and confused about myself, because my mind had been messed up by older men molesting and abusing me.

I say this not to brag or ask for pity, but merely to explain that Signorile’s model of “nurturing” intergenerational sex is destructive and sick.