ROBERT OSCAR LOPEZ: You’re trusting these clowns to say whether kids should have moms and dads? “You’ll notice that whenever research is done on parenting, which doesn’t deal with the specific issue of same-sex parenting, scholars find adverse effects tied to divorce, adoption, artificial reproductive technology, blended families, and other parenting arrangements that involve a lost connection to a mother or father. That is to say, divorces are hard on kids, as the research shows. Adoptees struggle with their identity and often experience certain existential crises, especially as they grow into adulthood. Sperm-donor-conceived children, in a 2010 study, reported significant uneasiness and stress as adults regarding their parents’ decision to use a third party’s genetic material to conceive them. And surrogacy arrangements, we have found in recent research, cause greater levels of depression in children, which makes sense given what we know about the mother-child bonding in gestation and breastfeeding. In fact a recent study found that surrogate-conceived children have a 95% higher risk of certain kinds of cancer, something that scientists have not been able to explain. Have you noticed something odd? The only way for a same-sex parenting household to exist, is by one of these methods. And whenever researchers study these family arrangements, without the study being about ‘same-sex parenting,’ they find, consistently, difficulties placed on the children. But then when they do studies on same-sex parenting, these difficult arrangements magically become no longer difficult!