CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: German woman harassed by Turk because she rejected his citizenship application. “When I moved in here, the house and the neighbourhood were OK. But now only Turks live around me. All German families moved away. And as Fate would have it, one of my new neighbours is exactly the same Turk who filed a complaint against me years ago and lost. He hasn’t forgotten his rancour. Every day he takes revenge on me. His children harass me all the time, always throw the ball against my door, or kick the door in so I get a fright every time. I hardly dare go out of my house any more, as I am very afraid of him. Once they beat so hard against my door that I had to call the police. When the police came, I discovered to my horror that the policeman was also a Turk, a friend of Hakan Öney’s family. He wouldn’t take my complaint. Quite the opposite. He even threatened me if I stood by my complaint.”