MICHELLE MALKIN: Colorado’s next gun-rights recall.

“I just want to say, statistics are not on your side, even if you had had a gun… Chances are that if you had had a gun, then he would have been able to get than from you and possibly use it against you,” Hudak lectured. But even the liberal Denver Post pointed out that the old statistics Hudak cited from a liberal anti-gun group applied only to women with guns who were attacked by “intimate acquaintances,” not strangers, as was the case with Collins.

Hudak’s dishonest defense of disarming and disempowering women sent a chilling message from government to constituents: About to be raped, assaulted or murdered? The odds are against you. Don’t bother to fight back.

Recall Hudak organizers are trying to gather at least 25,000 signatures by early December.